Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Right-Wing Reasoning Chip
for good liberal reason, i think they've realized.
'liberal' or 'educated elite' or 'academics'...just consider what stands as an 'epithet' to a knee-jerker. it makes sense that blind faith in village idiots is the hallmark of their worst as it comes from brain-envy! in this sense, rush may actually serve the country since he sets a heavy anchor for a demographic lacking other direction.
long preface to my point: in understanding the denialists, the 'create your own reality just by thinking it over and over' flock, we may not be able to establish a capacity for independent thought but we may -- through knowing how they're conditioned -- to at least replace the rush-rant stimulus of their reflex with something less likely to drive them (and us) off the cliff.
beyond the significance of his message, he delivers with great style and humor and i've been even happier with response of my fellow lefties: since he published the first Confessional, his diaries of experience as a one-time sheeple have educated millions who'd not have stepped near freerepublic or listened to a hannity-hurl!! the diary series is linked below, couched among the month and half record of his diaries and comments consistently placing in the dkos top 25 every week since!!
so not only is advisorjim delivering but our comrades-in-brain are receiving! i've regained faith that we'll soon be able to put a driver back in the seat whose actions are directed by forces greater than the strings of a marionette!
Read, learn, and act locally!
1. Dkos attack politics: chip busting (Diaries, Diary)posted by mikepridmore on 03/12/2005 18:43:34 EDT2 comments (2 new) Rank: 0.00
2. Newsie's Week In Reviewsies: Clinton Steals the Show; Dubya Flounders (Diaries, Diary)posted by Newsie8200 on 03/12/2005 13:09:16 EDT2 comments (2 new) Rank: 0.00
3. Top 25 recommended diaries - Mar 10, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/11/2005 11:25:26 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
4. Evil too great to fight (Diaries, Diary)posted by thereisnospoon on 03/11/2005 06:10:09 EDT8 comments (8 new) Rank: 0.00
5. This Week in Fascism 03-10-05 [Time to do Something] (Diaries, Diary)posted by Tomtech on 03/10/2005 22:56:42 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
6. How many new vs. lifelong Dems are here? (poll) (Diaries, Diary)posted by chantedor on 03/09/2005 12:38:11 EDT18 comments (18 new) Rank: 0.00
7. Top 25 recommended diaries - Mar 7, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/08/2005 12:13:15 EDT12 comments (12 new) Rank: 0.00
8. John Perkins & Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Diaries, Diary)posted by profmarcus on 03/08/2005 11:31:44 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
9. Today's 17 Best-Rated Comments, so far (Diaries, Diary)posted by social democrat on 03/08/2005 00:38:30 EDT2 comments (2 new) Rank: 0.00
10. Political Deprogramming Website: An idea whose time has come (Diaries, Diary)posted by librarianman on 03/07/2005 23:02:45 EDT5 comments (5 new) Rank: 0.00
11. Stress Reduction edition of Poetry Monday (Diaries, Diary)posted by Steven D on 03/07/2005 22:23:48 EDT12 comments (12 new) Rank: 0.00
12. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Right-Wing Reasoning Chip (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 03/07/2005 19:04:53 EDT371 comments (0 new) Rank: 0.00
13. This Week in Fascism 03-06-05 [Major Announcement] (Diaries, Diary)posted by Tomtech on 03/07/2005 00:47:19 EDT52 comments (52 new) Rank: 0.00
14. Most highly ranked comments 2/26/2005 - 3/4/2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/06/2005 16:52:19 EDT12 comments (12 new) Rank: 0.00
15. Newsie's Week In Reviewsies: Republicans Lie About Social Security (Diaries, Diary)posted by Newsie8200 on 03/06/2005 15:45:55 EDT4 comments (4 new) Rank: 0.00
16. Most Recommended Diaries 2/26/2005 - 3/4/2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/06/2005 13:53:25 EDT9 comments (9 new) Rank: 0.00
17. Secret Bush Directive Gives C.I.A. Wide Rendition Powers (NYT Sun) (Diaries, dKos)posted by SusanHu on 03/06/2005 01:57:29 EDT20 comments (20 new) Rank: 0.00
18. Top 25 recommended diaries - Mar 3, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/05/2005 14:29:16 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
19. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Alan Greenspan-A Model of Consistency (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 03/04/2005 18:18:51 EDT20 comments (20 new) Rank: 0.00
20. Marginal comments and signal-to-noise: recouping from a flame war (Diaries, dKos)posted by Aaron on 03/04/2005 13:28:56 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
21. Top 25 recommended diaries - Mar 3, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/04/2005 12:02:53 EDT8 comments (8 new) Rank: 0.00
22. Meta Meta Diary (Diaries, Diary)posted by Ugluks Flea on 03/04/2005 10:47:03 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
23. We've grown weak as a party, forever 2nd place. (Diaries, Diary)posted by jammin90mph on 03/04/2005 10:26:36 EDT13 comments (13 new) Rank: 0.00
24. This Week in Fascism 03-03-05 [Advise Requested] (Diaries, Diary)posted by Tomtech on 03/04/2005 00:46:51 EDT14 comments (14 new) Rank: 0.00
25. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Weak Faith of the Religious Right (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 03/03/2005 16:11:51 EDT263 comments (263 new) Rank: 0.00
26. Bush's own "Vince Foster" story (Diaries, Diary)posted by lawnorder on 03/03/2005 02:24:43 EDT8 comments (8 new) Rank: 0.00
27. The Pathology of the Corporation. (w/poll) (Diaries, Diary)posted by skrymir on 03/02/2005 13:28:56 EDT13 comments (13 new) Rank: 0.00
28. Top 25 recommended diaries - Mar 1, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/02/2005 11:33:20 EDT5 comments (5 new) Rank: 0.00
29. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Abortion Story (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 03/01/2005 12:47:24 EDT263 comments (263 new) Rank: 0.00
30. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 28, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 03/01/2005 11:20:15 EDT1 comment (1 new) Rank: 0.00
31. Putin to Bush: You Fired Dan Rather didn't you? (Diaries, Diary)posted by Magorn on 02/28/2005 15:59:34 EDT123 comments (123 new) Rank: 0.00
32. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Beating the Gay Drumhead (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/28/2005 13:55:49 EDT126 comments (34 new) Rank: 0.00
33. When I Was Young (Diaries, Diary)posted by GDoyle on 02/28/2005 01:55:28 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
34. I'm not what I didn't used to not be. (Diaries, Diary)posted by pyrrho on 02/27/2005 23:40:18 EDT40 comments (40 new) Rank: 0.00
35. Most Recommended Diaries 2/19/2005 - 2/25/2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/27/2005 14:32:16 EDT6 comments (6 new) Rank: 0.00
36. Drug Prohibition: It's the Economy, Stupid. (Diaries, Diary)posted by nephalim on 02/26/2005 18:35:10 EDT75 comments (75 new) Rank: 0.00
37. Newsie's Week In Reviewsies: The Chicken Has No Lips Edition (Diaries, Diary)posted by Newsie8200 on 02/26/2005 13:28:52 EDT9 comments (9 new) Rank: 0.00
38. Iraq TV: The reality of torture by Iraqi police (Diaries, Diary)posted by SanJoseLady on 02/25/2005 23:24:09 EDT0 comments (0 new) Rank: 0.00
39. How To Take Power, Step 2, Friend Partiot Project (Diaries, Diary)posted by starvin on 02/24/2005 23:20:21 EDT15 comments (15 new) Rank: 0.00
40. Full Ali Abi Story (Diaries, Diary)posted by jakal on 02/24/2005 20:33:08 EDT2 comments (2 new) Rank: 0.00
41. Does anyone see the ghost of Office of Strategic Influence here? (Diaries, Diary)posted by casualworker on 02/24/2005 11:57:11 EDT4 comments (4 new) Rank: 0.00
42. BREAKING: Gannon in my Bedroom!!! (Diaries, Diary)posted by gnat on 02/24/2005 00:48:49 EDT13 comments (13 new) Rank: 0.00
43. Fighting Indoctrination (Diaries, Diary)posted by CrazyModerate on 02/24/2005 00:06:06 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
44. Dear Former Dittohead (Diaries, Diary)posted by elveta on 02/23/2005 23:34:11 EDT26 comments (26 new) Rank: 0.00
45. HHS Secretary Spellings to Call for War on Animation (Diaries, Diary)posted by tiponeill on 02/23/2005 00:44:48 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
46. U.S. Citizen "Ghost Detainee" Accused of Bush Assassination Plot, But ... (Diaries, Diary)posted by SusanHu on 02/22/2005 14:44:46 EDT127 comments (127 new) Rank: 0.00
47. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 21, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/22/2005 09:40:05 EDT1 comment (1 new) Rank: 0.00
48. CNN ANCHOR DARYN KAGAN SEXING RUSH LIMBAUGH (Diaries, Diary)posted by Newdemo12 on 02/21/2005 20:42:29 EDT24 comments (24 new) Rank: 0.00
49. Are We the Real Axis of Evil? Whistleblower Exposes US Crimes Against the World (Diaries, Diary)posted by TocqueDeville on 02/21/2005 18:37:07 EDT150 comments (108 new) Rank: 0.00
50. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Evolution of a Wedge Issue (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/21/2005 17:27:59 EDT125 comments (125 new) Rank: 0.00
51. Most Recommended Diaries 2/12/2005 - 2/18/2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/20/2005 12:46:00 EDT5 comments (5 new) Rank: 0.00
52. Take a sneak peak at a campaign website (Diaries, Diary)posted by ttagaris on 02/20/2005 03:03:06 EDT32 comments (32 new) Rank: 0.00
53. Newsie's Week In Reviewsies: Almost Gannon-Free Edition (Diaries, Diary)posted by Newsie8200 on 02/19/2005 15:41:13 EDT14 comments (14 new) Rank: 0.00
54. Torture Unmakes the World (Diaries, Diary)posted by lorraine on 02/18/2005 15:09:59 EDT4 comments (4 new) Rank: 0.00
55. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 17, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/18/2005 11:30:58 EDT5 comments (5 new) Rank: 0.00
56. Confessions of a closet snob (Diaries, Diary)posted by Devilstower on 02/18/2005 05:56:36 EDT11 comments (11 new) Rank: 0.00
57. This Week in Fascism" 02-17-05 [I need your help!] (Diaries, Diary)posted by Tomtech on 02/17/2005 22:34:40 EDT75 comments (75 new) Rank: 0.00
58. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Expanding Mushroom Cloud of Democracy (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/17/2005 18:14:36 EDT113 comments (113 new) Rank: 0.00
59. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 15, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/16/2005 11:59:33 EDT4 comments (4 new) Rank: 0.00
60. Today's 17 Best-Rated Comments, so far (Diaries, Diary)posted by social democrat on 02/15/2005 16:35:52 EDT10 comments (10 new) Rank: 0.00
61. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 14, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/15/2005 12:36:12 EDT11 comments (11 new) Rank: 0.00
62. Confessional of a Former Dittohead: The Soft Racism of Personal Responsibility (Diaries, dKos)posted by advisorjim on 02/15/2005 12:18:19 EDT170 comments (170 new) Rank: 0.00
63. Today's 17 Best-Rated Comments, so far (Diaries, Diary)posted by social democrat on 02/14/2005 18:06:16 EDT11 comments (11 new) Rank: 0.00
64. What did James Watt Really Say? (Diaries, Diary)posted by gothamite on 02/14/2005 13:53:50 EDT2 comments (2 new) Rank: 0.00
65. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: ...And Knowing Is Half the Battle (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/14/2005 13:15:25 EDT122 comments (122 new) Rank: 0.00
66. Most Recommended Diaries 2/5/2005 - 2/11/2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/13/2005 22:45:54 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
67. U.S. Torture Gulags: "I want to die" (Diaries, dKos)posted by SusanHu on 02/13/2005 07:34:33 EDT72 comments (72 new) Rank: 0.00
68. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 11, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/12/2005 12:05:48 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
69. Another Glaring Omission by Bushco (Diaries, Diary)posted by Inverted on 02/12/2005 03:23:42 EDT170 comments (170 new) Rank: 0.00
70. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: To the Pitchfork Wielding and Torch Bearing Kossaks (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/11/2005 18:43:17 EDT18 comments (18 new) Rank: 0.00
71. Good to see Reagan in the news again (Diaries, Diary)posted by goplies on 02/11/2005 17:37:16 EDT1 comment (1 new) Rank: 0.00
72. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 10, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/11/2005 12:29:34 EDT11 comments (11 new) Rank: 0.00
73. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Love Story (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/10/2005 22:12:32 EDT122 comments (98 new) Rank: 0.00
74. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 8, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/10/2005 13:28:02 EDT12 comments (12 new) Rank: 0.00
75. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Why We Hated Clinton...So Very, Very Much (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/09/2005 14:13:01 EDT178 comments (178 new) Rank: 0.00
76. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 8, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/09/2005 12:32:05 EDT9 comments (9 new) Rank: 0.00
77. Why dailyKos is Worse than Heroin (Diaries, Diary)posted by gnat on 02/08/2005 19:51:16 EDT92 comments (92 new) Rank: 0.00
78. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 7, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/08/2005 13:05:04 EDT7 comments (7 new) Rank: 0.00
79. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Beating the Dead Horse. (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/08/2005 12:12:59 EDT13 comments (13 new) Rank: 0.00
80. Bribery Based Initiatives (Diaries, Diary)posted by dhonig on 02/08/2005 12:08:18 EDT4 comments (4 new) Rank: 0.00
81. Outsourcing Torture: Secret History (FBI v. CIA) (Diaries, Diary)posted by SusanHu on 02/08/2005 11:41:21 EDT42 comments (42 new) Rank: 0.00
82. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: The Whole Made Up Social Security Thing (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/07/2005 15:06:20 EDT113 comments (113 new) Rank: 0.00
83. This Week in Fascism 02-06-05 (Diaries, Diary)posted by Tomtech on 02/07/2005 01:51:08 EDT13 comments (13 new) Rank: 0.00
84. Most Recommended Diaries 1/29/2005 - 2/5/2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/06/2005 14:58:54 EDT13 comments (13 new) Rank: 0.00
85. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 3, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/04/2005 11:27:59 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
86. Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Coke FRIDAY! (Diaries, Diary)posted by Bill in Portland Maine on 02/04/2005 11:02:36 EDT480 comments (480 new) Rank: 0.00
87. Today's 17 Best-Rated Comments, so far (Diaries, Diary)posted by social democrat on 02/03/2005 16:37:35 EDT4 comments (4 new) Rank: 0.00
88. someone should respond to an attack of dailykos (Diaries, Diary)posted by virginia4kerry on 02/03/2005 13:46:57 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
89. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 2, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/03/2005 13:16:35 EDT1 comment (1 new) Rank: 0.00
90. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Why We Hated Sean Hannity (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/03/2005 12:15:50 EDT103 comments (103 new) Rank: 0.00
91. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Firing AK-47s in the Glass House (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/03/2005 01:53:34 EDT111 comments (111 new) Rank: 0.00
92. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Rush Limbaugh--Hypocrite (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/02/2005 19:28:18 EDT52 comments (52 new) Rank: 0.00
93. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: Watching Them Make Sausage (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/02/2005 16:24:31 EDT117 comments (117 new) Rank: 0.00
94. Top 25 recommended diaries - Feb 1, 2005 (Diaries, Diary)posted by jotter on 02/02/2005 16:20:26 EDT1 comment (0 new) Rank: 0.00
95. Does My Dittohead Conversion Tactic Stand A Chance? (Diaries, Diary)posted by dmauer on 02/02/2005 14:59:32 EDT20 comments (20 new) Rank: 0.00
96. Confessions of a Former Dittohead: How to Annoy a Conservative (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/01/2005 17:25:45 EDT282 comments (56 new) Rank: 0.00
97. Today's 17 Best-Rated Comments, so far (Diaries, Diary)posted by social democrat on 02/01/2005 16:59:14 EDT3 comments (3 new) Rank: 0.00
98. Confessions of a Former Dittohead (Diaries, Diary)posted by advisorjim on 02/01/2005 12:15:41 EDT271 comments (10 new) Rank: 0.00